Leave Love Behind, Not Logistics

Leave Love Behind, Not Logistics

This quote is from Amy Packard, creator of “Good to Go.”  As estate planning attorneys, we ask our clients to “name a Personal Representative (f/k/a Executor)”.  Once that person or people are named, how do we equip them for success, so they don’t get angry with us...
“I Did My Estate Plan, It’s Done.”

“I Did My Estate Plan, It’s Done.”

Or is it?  When did you first do it, why did you first do it?    Have your circumstances changed – were you initially single and are now married?  Were you married and are now divorced?  Were you single but now have a committed...
Private People – Public Processes

Private People – Public Processes

Most of us don’t warrant news coverage like Frank Fitz, of “American Pickers,” , or John Singleton, Director of “Boys N the Hood,” but each story could apply to us. Each man had a stroke.  It seems neither had any sort of “permission slips,” in place for who could...
What To Know About The Estate Administration Process

What To Know About The Estate Administration Process

When a loved one passes on, their friends and family are often left confused and heartbroken. Most families want the space and time to process. However, folks processing the loss of a loved one are also faced with the tedious, confusing process of estate...
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