In the News
‘Go Bag’ Items Prepare Clients for Unexpected Emergencies
I have friends who keep “go bags” next to their front door. I first heard the term when the Boston Marathon Bomber was suspected of lurking in a nearby neighborhood. A friend packed his “go bag” full of essentials in the event he was evacuated from his...
Deborah Danger of DangerLaw On How To Get Past Your Perfectionism And ‘Just Do It’
Shift your priorities. Revaluate what’s most important. I value the ability to pursue passion projects and expand into other stimulating areas of law. By delegating and not micromanaging, I’m building a team of successors who feel challenged, stimulated, appreciated,...
Housing Market Makes Divorce Clients Wonder: Should They Sell?
The current real estate market has caused home prices to increase drastically over the last few months. Many people are trying to take advantage of the hot market by selling even when they hadn’t necessarily planned on it. This issue has come up in discussions with...
Clients Moving Out of State Can Face Estate-Plan Snafus
The upheaval of COVID-19, and the gradual return to “new normalcy” have brought many changes to my estate planning practice, including an uptick in out-of-state moves by my baby boomer and senior clients. Several are now buying homes in or outside Massachusetts, where...
“Living Will” – TERRIBLE NAME
The term Living Will is incredibly misleading and confusing as it has nothing to do with a Last Will & Testament (a/k/a Will). A Living Will also has NOTHING to do with a Living Trust. So what is a Living Will? Here’s another self-important phrase – Advanced...
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