In the News
Wills in Massachusetts – 2/3rds of Us Don’t Have An Estate Plan – Or Do We? produces an annual survey showing how we are doing in terms of creating and maintaining a Personal or Family Contingency Plan™ (my words – estate plan = their words). The 2021 survey, states that “while the COVID-19 pandemic has increased people’s desire to...
How to Help Procrastinating Clients Organize Vital Estate Documents
As an estate planning attorney, I’m not at all surprised by the angst-filled story of Stefan Thomas. In case you haven’t encountered it, here is a summary: Recently, after his 7,000 bitcoins had grown to more than $220 million in value, Stefan wanted to access the...
You Can Control Some Of Your Future
“No matter how much or how little you have, estate planning determines the future of your belongings, your money, and your family if you are incapacitated or after we pass… only 32% of American adults have a will or other estate planning documents, according to...
How Unequal Inheritances Can Tear Siblings Apart
Although broadcaster Larry King left this earth with legions of fans, his seventh wife Shawn may not be among them. As I write this article, news is breaking that in 2019, Larry handwrote a document requesting that his children be the sole beneficiaries of his funds,...
Larry King Left Lots of Questions Behind
LA Times - Larry King’s handwritten will complicates the fight over talk-show host’s estateFebruary 16, 2021 Larry King was famous for saying he never researched or prepared for an interview with a guest. He just let it happen. That may work for a TV interview but...
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