Financial Steps to Take Before, During and After Your Divorce

Financial Steps to Take Before, During and After Your Divorce

“Even in an amicable divorce, the process will inevitably cost more than you anticipate. There will always be factors beyond your control – delays in court proceedings, or a spouse engaging an attorney who is more litigious than you expect,” says Amanda...

5 Ways To Help Deal With Divorce

by: Candace McDuffie   Divorce is one of the most difficult and life-changing events that a person could ever experience. No matter which partner files first, the process is a painful one that frequently pits spouse against spouse and usually assets, property,...

The Best Interest of the Child

by: Kent Elliott I want to talk about what it means when we talk about the best interest of the child when considering custodial arrangements. Agonizing over the well-being of a child or children during the dissolution of a marriage or partnership is one of the...

4 Surprises About Massachusetts Divorce

by: Amanda J. Shuman, Esq. Published: December 12, 2017  Everyone has seen enough television and movies to think that they have a good grip of what divorce is. So the first step of any divorce case we take on is client education. From my experience, here are four...