In the News

Child Support Guidelines in Massachusetts

Child Support Guidelines in Massachusetts

Divorce is complicated - no matter the circumstances. When kids are involved in a separation, divorce only becomes that much more complex. There's finding sensitive ways to discuss separation with your children, navigating health care and education decisions together,...

Mass Parentage Act

Mass Parentage Act

Massachusetts was the first state in the country to make same-gender marriage legal. However, Massachusetts is the last state in New England to acquire updated parentage laws. Parentage laws are guidelines for how the courts establish parents' relationship to their...

LGBTQ EP + Confirmatory Adoptions

LGBTQ EP + Confirmatory Adoptions

No one wants to think about the worst, and yet, it’s important to be prepared for anything. Estate Planning is an important process for anyone, regardless of their assets or debts. You do not need to have millions in savings to want to sign estate planning documents....

What is a Co-Ownership Agreement and Why Should I Get One?

What is a Co-Ownership Agreement and Why Should I Get One?

As more people are living together without being married, co-ownership agreements are becoming more commonplace, but what exactly is a co-ownership agreement? A co-ownership agreement is a contract that creates the rules of which two or more people agree to abide by...

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